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QIAN FEI says hi
An extra ordinary girl who loves everything in this world especially her daddy,mommy,brother,friends,music & etc.Of course, she super duper loves LEE YONG DAE and always crazy about him.Now, she is 18 years old and
still suffering in KC.Friends are her hope.They give her a fantastic life.She thanks them much.Nothing special about her yet she has a dream.She hopes she will be the main character of the fairytale.HAPPY FOREVER !!
affiliates coffee munru sugar chaang lee yong dae nicole TIGA LAPAN jiaxue Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Link |
Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 9:50 PM
HUUUU `````i'm exhausted ....tired.... me eyes are half closing now but i beh tahan liao.....i wanna blogging =) 这个星期 厄 其实发生了很多事情 英文老师 其实她不坏 只是有时候会无理了些 很像上次 我们从物理室飞上去 [ 我校的物理室厚 是在学校的一端的最高楼 而咱们的课室是在学校的另一端 的6 楼 所以可以说是一东一西 ] 而我们只用了五分钟 爬楼梯上去 爬到上去 原本大家都很开心 可是 她一进来就踢门 然后很很生气 就叫我们罚站 还讲我们骗她 拜托 干嘛要骗你哩 == 那刻我真的很很很生气 不过 过了 就算了 还有咱们的马来老师 她是想要为我们好的 我相信她是有料的 可是 她的教书方式 我不是很认同 怎么会有老师要学生抄她的答案呢 那么 到了考试时怎么办 答案 从哪里出来 我原以为我的国语有了重生的希望 可是现在 望都不用望了 上次的体育课 我们的队伍很出奇地拿了冠军 自己有吓倒咯 不过 很开心咯 上次的电脑课 我不小心睡着鸟 我很努力地逼自己看着那台电脑 可是 我还是顶不顺了 ******************************************************************* 今天去rawang半日游 其实 我是不想去的 我只是想去透透气 钢琴课后 就马上飞出去了 老师一直在耳朵旁边讲讲讲讲讲 我的眼睛就一直在看时钟 然后就去换个衣服 其实有不爽咯 为什么每次都酱的 什么都是 我我我我我我我 我换个衣服都不用1分钟 为何一直要催我 难道1分钟都不能吗 其实很显咯 我下次不要再去了 那个地方很很很很很远 坐到很晕 不过那个打球的小学很美 我很喜欢 妈妈叫我转去那里读 哎哟 那间学校是小学涅 我去 超龄鸟咯 好不 如果那里有独中的话 我可能会考虑咯 哈哈 ```` 今天载了二少回家 他讲话超好笑的 笑死我鸟 很可爱鲁他 晚上去吃饭 我本来不想去的咯 可是妈妈一直逼我去吃 然后又不给我穿拖鞋 要穿她的鞋 我就o.O 很大双咯 好不 走到一半会脱出来 啦啦啦啦啦 昨天的心情超好的 back to top? |
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 6:18 PM
YES !!!!no school for tomorrow ~~~~~~ soooo HAPPY !!!! 其实我今天是纯粹PO一些照片上来的 恩~是庙会的照片 这个礼拜的网志,我明天再写吧~~ ************************************************************************* back to top? |
Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
wow !!! i'm totally dead beat today ~~ my eyes are half closing now... and all i need now is SLEEP !!!!! * yawning * =) oh !! today i bought a portable speaker from 庙会 and it's work ... hoho soo happy ~~ i bought a YONEX bag awwww `` i lurve the bag it is big enough to put my stuffs haha ``` okiee..... i really need sleep now sooo bu-bye ~~
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Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 7:50 PM
yor ~~~~ so sad lor...yong dae lost in his XD and MD he lost his MD yesterday [erm..actually is this midnite morning ] and he gave a walkover in his XD today a report said that he felt his arm pain again so he didn't play in his XD to prevent further injury yer~~~~me soooo SAD lor but his arm is more important marz.... soooo i 了解的啦~~ ooo yeah~~~~ will watch the match on this saturday and sunday YES !!! but i can't watch yong dae shows his brilliant technique with my naked eyes sad liao lor this makes me recall the incident that occurred last year-- the terrible, confounded wedding dinner ~~~ hope he will appear in the stadium !!!! i wanna take photo with him ~~~ ooooo please~~~~~ thx for the tickets ya ,靓姐 =) sure belanja u makan de~~ isn't he cute ? he took photo with a member of 2PM and also played badminton with him 2 endao lor =) i think he was dancing at that time haha.....he looks soooo cute + adorable + handsome when he is wearing a mask ~~~~~~ miss you sooooo much~~~ can you appear in stadium on this saturday ???? PLEASE !!!!!!!!! ************************************************ 我今天挑战了高二理A最冷的位置 果然很冷~~~~冷到暴~~~~~ 冷到写字都很慢。。。 ************************************************** 手起水泡。。不懂怎样做功课 =( 今天活动有点不爽噜`` 很显噜。。 弄到我很不想过年哩 一切都乱七八糟 看不懂又听不明 算~~ 星期六等着被斩呗 ` time for homework and revision now =] toodles ~~~ back to top? |
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 8:14 PM
erloo...peeps !!!! finally i have some rest now.... it's SATURDAY !!!!!! no wake up early in the morning for tomorrow HOORAY !!!! well, i promise that today will post about the wedding dinner that i attended last saturday since i'm not using my own computer now so i will post the pictures later erm ,the dinner was like so-so lor.... but the fried rice was really yuck but the special thing was the dinner was held in a school hall oh,the school.....i lurve the school there is a big field there so big leh bigger than our BBC court~~ nothing special about the dinner soooo enjoy the photos =) ******************************************************* today i told my mom about the performance thingy mom said [ aiyo, why u go to these places ?] i replied that [ it's ok lar.although i really hope to perform in Pavillion or KLCC , but it's ok to perform in these places. it's still not bad mar and i have 30 ppl.it's better than the other team mar.and yet, to be a good conductor,i have to solve everything.] mom : =) me said [it's a good experience for me that i never been to Bandar Utama, OUG and Subang Parade.] yer,macam katak di bawah tempurung leh *************************************************************** i have made a decision that is i have to teach those newbies about theory thingy in 2 lessons yes , in 2 lessons !!!! have to try my best to achieve it ************************************************************* ok, have to go now ~~~~ toddles, peeps !! can i abdicate ? |
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 9:31 PM
aiyo....me always look so NERDY when i'm in spec ==well,i should be in my study room right now and bury my nose in those horrible books but later larz.....i just come back from POPULAR and i need a little rest ermz....nothing special happened recently but some of my friends absent today because of sickness so, kayne and kylin, get well soon ya ^^ and also wei ting~~~ today chemistry test really made me felt nervous i don't know why leh~~ when i did the calculation,my brain was stuck and my mind was blank luckily,i managed to finish it larz......kia si lang luuuu``` okie,i will blog about the wedding dinner that i attended last week on this saturday sooo,stay tuned !!!! ok,off to STUDY !!!! LYD lost his XD in korea open.......sad lorz T.T back to top? |
Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 10:03 PM
应该是明天才po的。。可是没办法,明天又事做 所以今天就打了这篇网志`` 上学嘛 基本上是还不错的 可是一听到那些校规 够力 长发同学 本人同情你们厚`` 话说 咱们的rebecca小妹妹呢 从美国回来 她买了很多很多很多巧克力给我们 开心死我鸟 都是我很爱吃 而且还很好吃 谢啦 学妹儿 恩`` 小鱼学妹也送了个吊饰给我们 呵呵 谢啦 你的心意 我们知道了 巧克力 巧克力 巧巧克力 =) 我爱你们 ~~ 无聊白痴照 我没有舔它啦 只是[借位] 而已
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怕给老师问那些 [它不认识我 我也不认识它] 的字 慢慢一个一个check 结果 本人花了2小时才读完 它的眼睛快掉出来了啦 求神拜佛 不要酱快掉下来啦 明天有表演 加油了 各位 好鸟 该去复习化学了 看来我明天也是闭着眼睛上学了 |
Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 5:48 PM
ermz.... quite good `` will update more on saturday stay tuned ...... as my eyes are very very very very tired now toddles~~~
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Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 9:42 PM
今天突然很想打华语,呵呵``好呗,本人现在严重伤风了说。。。 讲话都辛苦了哩~~ 话说,昨晚跟亲戚吃饭。。 那间韩国餐厅,我真的很喜欢 贵是贵了些,不过我真的很喜欢那里的气氛`` 突然谈起我的头发。。 讲真的,我真的很不喜欢现在的头发。。 老弟,你这还不算冬菇。。 你姐的,真的可以当冬菇之王了呗`` 一直在投诉,埋怨种种的规则 虽然了解学校的苦心 但对于他们一些举动 我真的无话可说。。 回想起初三的那个时候 真的是无辜 + 无奈 毕竟本人也不是很想要那个发型。。。 是那个人一时下错刀`` 一句‘剪掉它’ 就让我丑足了整个月 == 有时在那边想 我真的很想快点毕业 可以早些脱离苦海 把头发留长 可以快些去我一直很向往的大学生活 可是我会舍不得朋友 万一我真的去到澳洲读 也不是说要回来就回来 岂不是挂念死我`` 而且外面花花的现实世界 我不是很承受的了 也许就像众人所说的 珍惜当下 吧``` 恩``我会的 呵呵 2010年真的到了。。 我真的高二鸟。。 以前初一的时候 觉得升上高二的时间还有很久 原来这个可以证明当时的我真的很够力无知 明明就很快 一眨眼就到了 好不? 所以在2010年 本人定下了些目标 1。最重要的是把书读好 越多A越好 2。变开心些吧 cheer up, girl 3. 我要变瘦些 甩掉肥肉计划实行中 4。我要变静一些 发现我真的太多话讲了 5。我的办事能力要再强 不然我真的弄不来那么多事情 6。我的琴艺要再进步 不管是钢琴还是大提琴 都要 7。指挥要指好来 演奏会之前都一定要有所进步 8。补习要专心 千万不能晃神 9。去沙滩的地方旅行 酱我买的沙滩裤才不会废掉 10。跟低音组的朋友去动物园或者去度假也行 !!! 好了。。就十个目标 MUST ACHIEVE THEM !! 恩``昨天去做运动 还不错 今天就大事不好 手痛啦 痛惨鸟`` 昨晚做了个噩梦 起来后不敢再睡下去了 怕那个噩梦又会来kacau我 还好窗外面有光 我才安心些 又要开学了 说真的 我不是很想开学 6.00am起床不是件容易的事 没关系啦 还有两年嘛 就挨过它嘛 呵呵`` 哈哈哈哈`` 真的很久没有看到你了 也真的很久没有欣赏到你那天才般的球技了 没关系 很快就可以看到你了 想到了都想大笑几声 哈哈哈哈 等我呗 ~~~~~~~~~~~ =) 恩恩`` 我的鼻子在抗议了 我得去好好休息了。。 晚安鲁`` 各位~~ 我爱你们 <3> back to top? |